Music Tech Teachers Group Therapy

 A group of my colleagues recently decided that we would set up a regular meeting to get together to discuss, cuss, share, console, and support one another as we returned to the new school year in an all digital format that would soon transition to a blended model with some students staying home for digital learning with others choosing to return to face to face instruction. The new year brought many concerns for all of us, the least of which was the actual teaching piece.

With so little attention being given to professional development opportunities specific to our content area we decided to start our own support and development group and Music Tech Teacher Group Therapy was born. We have our first meeting recently and invited Charlie Chastain from Tweed Recording in Athens, GA to join us and share his experience and expertise with the group. It was a great idea! Charlie shared some incredible information, hacks, tips, and tricks with us and I wanted to share with you also.

Below are a series of YouTube links from our first meeting that I wanted to share. I hope that you find Charlie's insights as useful as we did.



MTT Group Therapy Part 1

MTT Group Therapy Part 2

MTT Group Therapy Part 3

MTT Group Therapy Part 4

MTT Group Therapy Part 5


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